Tag Archives: science

Keep Up With Science Research

The Public Library of Science is a non-profit site for keeping up with and freely sharing scientific and medical research. It is dedicated to open access to research articles, and also offers blogs, journal content alerts, and open access (no-fee) … Continue reading

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Journey to Planet Earth

Global warming has been making headlines for a while now and has become a major issue on the radar of the world’s citizens. Believe or not, there are other global threats with which we should concern ourselves – like urban … Continue reading

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WorldWideScience.org: Global gateway to science information

Several countries (U.S., United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, and the Netherlands) have cooperated to launch WorldWideScience.org, a global gateway to science information. It will provide searching of national science portals not easily searched using popular commercial … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – June 19

Who says reference books have to be old and boring? McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology Tenth Edition REF Q121 .M3 2007 Reference Collection, 2nd floor Need to know more about lean manufacturing? Wondering what the heck dactyloscopy is? The … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – May 1

You never know what you’re going to find when you browse the sciences section of the stacks. How’s this for making science fun? The Physics of Superheroes James Kakalios QC24.5 .K3 2006 New Book Island, 2nd floor Studying for a … Continue reading

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