Category Archives: around the world

You Read?

It’s Friday! It’s pretty slow around here, but the blog migration to WordPress (which is fantastic, by the way) is keeping me busy. That doesn’t mean there’s no time for fun. Get this – this guy read an entire book! … Continue reading

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Fair Use and YouTube

Ahh, the joys of copyright. We deal with it everyday, whether you utilize e-reserves or download music to your iPod (hopefully in a legal fashion). But did it ever cross your mind that when you laughed at the Dramatic Prairie … Continue reading

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What a Beaut!

It’s Friday! Time for fun and procrastination! Check out Librophiliac Love Letter: A Compendium of Beautiful Libraries for a journey around the world of amazing places with lots of books. Some people may argue that librarians would be the only … Continue reading

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Manage personal libraries/Find good books

Is your personal library out of control? Don’t know what you have? Or are you looking for recommendations for the next book to read from others who like the same genre? Got some spare time before spring semester starts? LibraryThing … Continue reading

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Journey to Planet Earth

Global warming has been making headlines for a while now and has become a major issue on the radar of the world’s citizens. Believe or not, there are other global threats with which we should concern ourselves – like urban … Continue reading

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Go Elf Yourself

No, seriously – turn yourself or a friend into a dancing elf. OfficeMax started the promotional website to obviously cause millions of people to waste time either creating or admiring others’ work of the elfamorphosis. Since it’s Friday, I thought … Continue reading

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Numbers, anyone?

Looking for international statistics? Country info? The United Nations may have just the numbers you need! There are several United Nations statistical databases available free (for non-commercial use) online at Census Knowledge Base The Census Knowledge Base, a fundamental … Continue reading

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Elections 2008 Information

The Documents Center of the University of Michigan Library has compiled a web site with links to all sorts of information about Elections 2008. Use the links at the top of the page to navigate to Presidential candidates, political advertising, … Continue reading

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Want to be informed about the Great Lakes?

Concerned about our Great Lakes and Wisconsin’s coastal areas? You aren’t alone! These majestic and valuable areas are of great importance to all 8 states that border the lakes (the world’s single largest supply of fresh water, accounting for about … Continue reading

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Wall Street Journal for Free

More and more newspapers are shifting their online business models to compensate their declining print circulation numbers. The Wall Street Journal is no exception. The New York Times reported yesterday that Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corporation, anticipates dropping the … Continue reading

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