Category Archives: around the world

Looking for laws?

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) has collaborated with the Library of Congress to digitize volumes of the United States Statutes at Large, which contains all of the laws and resolutions enacted during each session of Congress. Now available online: … Continue reading

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Special Report: The Social Web

This came across one of the fantastic librarian listservs that I’m on: a series of articles from IEEE Spectrum, a leading trade magazine on all things technology, on social media and the Internet. The Special Report: The Social Web features … Continue reading

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Does Facebook help you learn?

All that time you spend on Facebook may not be wasted after all! There have, of course, been studies about the effects of the Internet, Facebook, and other online applications. Some have found that we are suffering negative effects (see, … Continue reading

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Days of Remembrance, May 1-8

The national Days of Remembrance, which commemorate the Holocaust, are May 1-8, 2011. The theme for this year’s observance is Justice and Accountability in the Face of Genocide: What Have We Learned? To honor the Days of Remembrance, the Andersen … Continue reading

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The Ludologist: Game Research Blog

I recently came across a blog called The Ludologist, which is about “game research and other important things.” The author is Jesper Juul, a researcher at the Danish Design School, an affiliate of the New York University Game Center, and … Continue reading

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Still time to write a Library Haiku!

During the week of April 10-16, 2011, the Andersen Library celebrated National Library Week with displays including writing your own “Library Haiku” and do-it-yourself “Velcro Poetry”. Stop in this week for your last opportunity to enter the Haiku contest! Top … Continue reading

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Apollo 13 anniversary Apr 17

April 17, 1970 was the day Apollo 13 landed in the Pacific Ocean. It’s a happy ending to remember, because it reminds us of the importance of problem-solving skills and critical thinking, abilities UWW students need and employers want. It … Continue reading

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First shots fired: April 12, 1861

Quick! What happened 150 years ago today? At 4:30 a.m., to be precise? If you’ve looked at the display in the Andersen Library lobby, or if you know your history, you answered: the first shots of the American Civil War … Continue reading

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Meet Great Minds @ Andersen Library

Your university education should help you acquire knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world, intellectual and practical skills (these include inquiry & analysis, teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills), and “foundations and skills for lifelong learning” (see the … Continue reading

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New Words Added to Venerable Dictionary (OED)

OMG! You may have learned about this from the national media already, but in case you missed it: The Oxford English Dictionary has added new entries, including OMG, LOL, muffin top, ego-surf, and others. Enjoy.

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