Will the Immigration Bill Help Same-Sex Bi-National Couples?

Congress is putting together immigration reform, and amendments have been proposed to include the provision for LGBT foreign-born partners of US citizens to apply for green card status. Will it work? Senator Schumer from New York’s not sure, and it “keeps him up at night, even though he’s a good sleeper.”

Read the full article: Schumer: ‘I worry’ about resolving LGBT issues in immigration bill

Thanks to Heather for the article!

Posted in LGBT issues, US wrap-up | 1 Comment

April 2013 Meeting

We met a few weeks ago [11 April] – here are the highlights:

  • Cindy is working on a grant proposal with a student [Zartavia Howard] and faculty member [Teresa Faris] to work with the Madison Senior Center on a oral history / art project. The students will use the stories and from the Center’s inhabitants, as well as collaborate with them, to construct metals and jewelry.
  • Planning has begun for the LGBT* Lecture Series for next year. If you have ideas, contact Cindy [konradc@uww.edu].
  • The group enjoyed presentations from Drs. Ogunsola and Smith about the campus climate survey and diversity mapping project that had been done on campus recently.

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes [PDF] if you’d like.

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Who Wants an Internship?

From Kim Simes, Midwest Regional Manager, Family Equality Council

Greetings! I hope this email finds you doing well and enjoying this teaser of spring we are getting. I wanted to reach out to you with the hopes that you may know students who are looking for internship opportunities. I have openings for both summer and fall! Family Equality Council is a great organization and we greatly rely on the work of outstanding interns. I have attached announcements for both summer and fall and would greatly appreciate any circulation you can provide.

Summer 2013 internship opportunity [PDF]
Fall 2013 internship opportunity [PDF]

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Rainbow Celebration of Excellence – A Great Success!

What a celebration! Fifty people came out to Rainbow Celebration for food, fellowship, and most importantly, to support our graduates and award winners. The Chancellor, the Provost, and Kim Simes, our keynote speaker, shared their wisdom with us, and two students from TIFU Cultural Ensemble treated us to a performance. Thank you to all who attended and helped make this event such a success, especially Heather Niemeier, Kate Braman, and Kyle Naff for reading the award nominations.

If you could not attend, please make sure to congratulate our graduates and award recipients:

Award Recipients

  • Outstanding Graduating LGBT* Student Leaders
    • Tempestt Ballenger
    • Kari Jo Freudigmann
  • Outstanding LGBT* and Ally Faculty/Staff Member
    • Crista Lebens, Associate Professor of Philosophy
    • Mai Yer Yang, Intergroup Relations Coordinator
  • Outstanding Student Group
    • Black Student Union
  • Outstanding LGBT* or Queer Studies Research
    • Erica Schepp, MS, College of Education & Professional Studies


  • Graduate Students
    • Pamela Crisafulli, Counseling
    • Erica Schepp, Education [Professional Development]
    • Jennifer Stubbs, Counseling
  • Undergraduate Students
    • Tempestt Ballenger, Operations Management
    • Ali Blanchard, Sociology
    • Shawn DeVault, Health & Human Performance
    • Kari Jo Freudigmann, Graphic Design
    • Matthew Ross, Entrepreneurship
    • Sean P. Van Aacken, International Business
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March 2013 Meeting

We met a few weeks ago (14 March) – here are the highlights:

  • The signs are still coming, but there’s been a minor hold-up in the process. Don’t worry – Cindy’s on the case. Also, it looks like gender neutral housing is a go for Spring 2014!
  • We are currently looking for nominations for the Rainbow Celebration of Excellence Awards, as well as people to judge them. Want to participate? E-mail Cindy [konradc@uww.edu].
  • The majority of the meeting was devoted to our excellent student panel. The participants, ranging from freshmen to seniors, shared their experiences about being here in Whitewater. With the exception of a few negative spots, it seems like we’re doing pretty well as a campus!

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes [PDF] if you’d like.

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