Coming Out When You’re a Soldier

Now that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell has been repealed for several weeks now, American soldiers that identify as something other than heterosexual can now openly serve without fear of discharge. Those that were kicked out of the armed forces due to the policy can also apply for reinstatement.

Some people couldn’t seem to wait that long. According to ABC News, Randy Phillips decided to not only come out, but come out in a big way, before the DADT ban was officially lifted. He filmed the conversations with each of his parents, as well as his other coming-out adventures, and posting them on YouTube. His story is touching, as he shares one of the most emotional times in a young LGBT* person’s lives. Make sure to have a few tissues handy.

AreYouSurprised Randy Phillip’s YouTube channel

Thanks to Jeff for the story!

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September 2011 Team Trans* Meeting

The TEAM Trans* group met yesterday (28 September) – here are the highlights:

  • Progress continues to be made on the gender-neutral bathrooms. The signage is being created and then will be installed, along with the appropriate locks.
  • The group will begin an audit of application forms for the colleges, as well as scholarships, to check for inclusive language.
  • There is work being done with regards to forming a ‘difficult conversations’ session[s] around transgender, pansexual, bisexual, asexual, and fluid areas.
  • Two graduate students from the Counselor Education program will be starting an LGBT* support group on campus, meeting weekly beginning 13 October. The informational proposal contains the necessary contact information if interested.

There’s way more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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September 2011 Meeting

We met last Wednesday (14 September) – here are the highlights:

  • Terry updated the group on the progress made with regards to gender-neutral housing.
  • Also on the topic of gender-neutral, the signs for the gender-neutral bathrooms are being put up around campus.
  • The position description for the full-time LGBT Coordinator position is currently being reviewed by campus entities – no decision has been made as of yet.
  • Ashley is working a program about alcohol and other drug abuse in the LGBT community. It will be game show-style and interactive. It’s on 19 October at 215PM – make sure to attend [or better, volunteer to help out!].

There’s way more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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LGBT – Yes or No?

Keeping any sort of statistics on numbers on LGBT students, or the community as a whole, can prove to be a monumental task, given that it requires that individuals self-identify, in other words, come out. While we could potentially estimate the population here at Whitewater or anywhere else, you may never know.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t try. Elmhurst College has become the first college in the country to explicitly include sexual orientation and gender identity on their admissions application. While others have tried to get at the answer in more roundabout ways, the Illinois college is just going to come right out and ask. Good for them!

What do you say, UW-System? =)

More information:

Elmhurst College asks prospective students about sexual orientation
Chicago Sun-Times

They Ask. You Needn’t Tell
Inside Higher Ed

Statement from Campus Pride
Major advocate for the LGBT community in higher education

Thanks to Jeff, Katka, and Dan for the heads-up!

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Top Ten LGBT-Friendly Schools

The Huffington Post has a slideshow today featuring the top ten most LGBT-friendly colleges in the US, according to the Princeton Review. Sadly, we didn’t make the list, but now we’ve got a goal! Kudos to UW-Madison on making the top!

The 10 Most LGBT-Friendly Colleges – Huffington Post

Thanks to Jeff for the link!

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