Tribute to PB Poorman

I think it’s appropriate that the first real post on this blog be used to commemorate PB Poorman, tragically killed one year ago today. PB led the task force to new heights and visibility, ensuring that everyone had a voice. She fought for equal rights across the board and continually kept the concerns of the LGBT community on the University administration’s radar. Just from reading the Book of Remembrance set up in her honor, you feel the enormity of PB’s influence on everyone that had the pleasure to interact with her, from students to faculty to colleagues.

Having only gotten to enjoy PB’s presence for two short months before her passing, I can say that those two months changed my attitude towards the struggle for equality. I never would have described myself as the activist type, but PB’s compassion and sheer energy made me want to get involved – to step up to the plate. I feel like this blog will be one small way in which I can contribute to the cause.

So, here’s to you, PB – for inspiring those around you to make the world a better place to live for all.

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You Need a Blog Too?

The short answer: yes.

The LONG answer: The Chancellor’s Task Force on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Issues was formed to advise University administration of the needs of faculty, staff and students on our campus with regards to sexual orientation and gender identity – to give them a voice. Representatives from all over campus come together one a month to discuss matters which affect the UWW LGBT community. In our last meeting, we talked about all of the things that we’ve accomplished over the last year. In my humble opinion, I think that we’ve done some pretty awesome things, like conducting a self-assessment of our campus climate, revamping the Safe Zone materials, and dedicating the PB Poorman Memorial Garden, to name a few.

But here’s the kicker: not too many people know about us – we’re under the radar (maybe in the closet? sorry, couldn’t resist.) The blog is a way to let the campus community know what we’re doing as a task force. It also serves as a vehicle for dialogue with you! As much as we wish that we could have everyone come to the meetings, we’ve already outgrown at least three meeting spaces, if not more. Talk to us and give us feedback. The comments area is there for a reason (as an aside – the comments are moderated – please keep them appropriate and constructive).

Hopefully you will find this useful and worth checking back once in a while. We’ll be here. =)

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