Media Coverage of the Rally

If you weren’t able to attend the amazing rally that occurred on Friday (or want to relive it), below are links to the media coverage:

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October 2010 Meeting

We met on Wednesday (13 October) – here are the highlights:

  • Information was shared about the upcoming rally, “Unity Through Diversity,” which will take place on 15 October. Just a heads-up – it’s going to be big. Information can be found on the Facebook event page..
  • There was discussion about bringing LGBT speakers to campus and where to obtain funding to do so.
  • Gentle reminder: the Techtonic Theater Project will be on campus to present The Laramie Project and The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later on 18-19 October on campus. You can find more information about the productions on the Young Auditorium’s website.

You can also read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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It Gets Better

It really does. UW-Whitewater says so. Check it out.


Special thanks to Sara Kuhl (Marketing & Media Relations) for the great idea and to Jeff Pohorski (Marketing & Media Relations) for filming!

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LGBTQA Meet & Greet

This Thursday (14 October) is our LGBTQA Faculty, Staff and Students Meet & Greet. It will be taking place from 4-6PM in the PB Poorman PRIDE Resource Center.

We would LOVE to have a large turnout from the faculty and staff on campus to connect with our LGBTQA student community and possibly create some mentoring opportunities.

PLEASE share this information with people on campus that you know to be LGBTQA-friendly and ask them to join us even for 5 to 10 minutes between 4-6PM. With your help, this will create some phenomenal dialogue!

For questions or requests for accommodations, please contact Chris Hollar at 262.472.1167 or

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Unity Through Diversity – A Positive Rally Against Hate Crimes

In response to the hate crime that occurred in Whitewater on Sunday evening, students are organizing a rally to speak out against the violence that has taken place in the last year against members of the LGBT community. It will be held on 15 October from 12PM-230PM outside the University Center. Find out more from the Facebook event.

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