Wisconsin Gay Marriage Ban Ruled Unconstitutional


On Friday, June 6, 2014, a federal judge ruled that the ban for same-sex marriage in Wisconsin is unconstitutional. Wisconsin joins several other states where federal judges are finding that states must allow same-sex marriages to be legal in the eyes of the law. Read more about it here.

Although some county clerks starting issuing marriage licenses right away, other county clerks are holding off until the confusion is clarified. Find out what counties are issuing same-sex marriage licenses and which counties are not: Counties Issuing Marriage Licenses For Same-Sex Couples

While there is still some resistance and some legal clarifications needed to be worked out, it is wonderful news to see Wisconsin step up to equality! Congratulations to Wisconsin on marriage equality rights to same-sex couples!

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May 2014 Meeting

The LGBT Task Force held its final meeting for the Spring 2014 semester on Thursday, May 7. Here is what what discussed as well as a heads up on some events for the upcoming Fall 2014 semester:

  • Rainbow Celebration of Excellence awards was a success and well-attended event
  • LGBT* Taskforce is working on updating the Safe Zone trainings
  • Ally Open House – Tuesday, September 23, 2014 from 11am-1pm in the Warhawk Connection Center
  • Coming Out Day – Tuesday, October 7, 2014 from 12-2pm at the UC North Mall
  • Queer Cultural Series Speaker – Tuesday, October 7, 2014 from 3:30-4:45pm in UC 275
  • Queer Cultural Film – Tuesday, November 7, 2014 from 6-8pm in the Warhawk Connection Center

  • Mark your calendars for these upcoming events and check the blog for more details as the events get closer and the guest speakers will be revealed!

There’s WAY more than just that – read the Full Minutes to find out more!

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Rainbow Celebration of Excellence Award 2014 Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the Rainbow Celebration of Excellence Awards:

  • Outstanding Graduating LGBT* Student Leader – Sonya King
  • Outstanding LGBT* Student Leader, not yet graduating- James Sheets and DeJuan Washington
  • Outstanding Graduating Student Ally – Alyssa Jones
  • Outstanding Student Ally – Ban Ahmed
  • Outstanding LGBT* or Ally Faculty/Staff Member – Gwen Hering, University Health and Counseling Services
  • Outstanding Department or Office – Residence Life
  • Outstanding Student Group – National PanHellenic Council
  • Outstanding LGBT*, Gender Identity, or Sexuality Studies Research – Amy Schlueter
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    Esera Tuaolo – Green Bay Packer

    In a male-dominated culture such as football where masculinity and machismo is encouraged, what is it like to be a gay athlete? Esera Tuaolo, a former Green Bay Packer football player for 10 years, talks about his experiences being a professional football player as well as coming out as a gay athlete.

    Come listen to him speak, for free, on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, at 7pm in the UC-Hamilton Room.


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    Pride Week 2014


    There are many events going on around campus in celebration of Pride Week. Come along and celebrate with the LGBT* community! Events include:

    Zumba/Dance against Bullying fundraiser: An hour of Zumba and an hour of dancing with the TIFU Cultural Ensemble will take place Thursday, April 3, from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the Hamilton Room. Admission is $2 at the door with a canned good or $3 without. Raise more funds if you choose — the top five fundraisers will get to have dinner with Tuaolo on April 9. Proceeds support LGBT of Walworth County’s efforts to prevent bullying.

    Ally Open House: A reception to bring together LGBT students with supportive faculty, staff, and students will take place Tuesday, April 8, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Warhawk Connection Center. If you are LGBT or an ally, stop in for food and conversation and to show your support. “It’s a chance for people who are supportive to connect with our LGBT students,” said Cindy Konrad, LGBT coordinator. “It is also a chance for our LGBT students to recognize who some of those supportive people are on campus.”

    Taking Pride in the History: IMPACT will host a learning activity about LGBT history, with a debriefing and social afterwards. The event takes place Tuesday, April 8, at 6 p.m. in the University Center, room 68. All are welcome.

    Former Green Bay Packer speaks: Come hear the story of Esera Tuaolo, who played in the NFL for nine seasons, and is one of the very few openly gay athletes. He will speak Wednesday, April 9, at 7 p.m. in the Hamilton Room.

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