In Their Own Words – Christine Hollar

Hello! My name is Christine Hollar. People call me Chris, they also call me Hollar – it is your preference in which you choose! I grew up on in a small farm town called Milladore in central Wisconsin on a dairy farm. I have been at UWW for 4 years and am currently a hall director in the Arey/Benson Complex. My undergrad is from UW-La Crosse in therapeutic recreation (working with individuals with disabilities to engage back in life). I returned to college and received a Master’s in Counseling Education – Higher Education Track from UWW.

I represent the Academic Staff Assembly, sharing information from the LGBT Task Force with ASA. I enjoy being on this committee because it is helping to level the playing field for all underrepresented groups. I see my brother and his partner struggle with our family dynamics and I can see the exceptional need for support of individuals coming out.

The task force is comprised of members from all over campus. The blog allows us to not only let the campus community know what we do, but also gives us an opportunity to introduce the individuals that make up this fantastic committee.

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Safe Zone Today!

The last Safe Zone training of the semester will take place TODAY from 12-1 PM in UC 261.

If you cannot make it to the session today, don’t worry! We will be setting dates for the spring semester sessions in the next week – check the blog for updates!

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Interesting Take on Proposition 8

It’s been three weeks since Proposition 8 was passed in California, and after activists marched all around the country, celebrities and newscasters have weighed in on the vote, and the blame game has begun, students at Princeton University are taking a more proactive approach.


I agree – why should freshman be allowed to use the sidewalks? It’s like they deserve the right to walk there anyway.

story from the Daily Princetonian

Thanks to Mary Beth for the link!

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The Battle Against H8

got a little more interesting when the use of force came into play…

see more punny pictures

Sorry – I couldn’t resist. =)

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November 2008 Meeting

We met last Wednesday (12 November) – here are the highlights:

  • Lauren Smith informed the group about the upcoming UW System Women’s Studies Consortium/LGBT Conference that will be held here on campus in 2010 (17-18 April). The planning committee is looking for suggestions for LGBT content and speakers, so all ideas are welcome.
  • Next Safe Zone training – 4 December with Kyle & Melissa.
  • There was a discussion about the possibilities for providing support for LGBT students that are struggling, such as publicizing the task force and other supportive staff members/resources by way of the blog, the Royal Purple and other means.

You can also read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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