Climate Survey – Have You Taken it?

The Campus Climate Survey is in full swing – make sure that your voice is heard! Everyone’s thoughts and opinions are important to us!

Now who does like a little incentive? The more people that complete the survey, the better chance you have to win a prize. If enough people fill it out, you could win a KINDLE!

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If you don’t have any plans on Wednesday (or you have them and need an excuse to break them), I would recommend stopping by the Summers Auditorium in the UC for a screening of Overruled!, a documentary about the landmark ruling, Lawrence v Texas, that struck down sodomy laws and paved the way for greater equality for LGBT individuals.

7 October 2009 (Wednesday) – 8 PM
Summers Auditorium, University Center

Not only is there a showing of the short film, there will be a panel discussion and free pizza. I know, free food is pretty awesome.

This event is sponsored by the Students for a Fair Wisconsin – if you have any questions, please contact Heather Murray at

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DP Benefits Information from UW-System

The passage of the budget bill back in June brought domestic partnership benefits to UW-System employees. After a few months of getting all of the details ironed out…

The administration has now updated the benefits information to reflect the positive changes made by the legislation. They’ve also created a DP benefits matrix (PDF) to answer many of the questions that you may have about the process.

The Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds also much more information available on their website, including the affidavit required to submit for the benefits.

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Safe Zone Training: 29 September

The first Safe Zone training of the semester is next Tuesday (29 September) from 1130AM-1230PM in UC 259B. There’s no sign-up required, so if you’re available, come on by!

Not sure what a Safe Zone is? Our informational flyer should help.

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Job Opening – Inclusivity Initiative Coordinator

If striving for equality for the LGBTQ community interests you and you live (or like to live) in Madison, then you might want to look into this position. The UW System Administration is currently seeking a new LGBTQ Initiative Coordinator in the Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.

Position Announcement – LGBTQ Initiative Coordinator
(Institutional or Senior Institutional Planner)

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