News Items from the Task Force

Got a few newsworthy items that were shared with the task force over the last few days:

Thanks to Katka and Chris for the news leads!

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April 2012 Meeting

We met last Thursday (12 April) – here are the highlights:

  • The task force went over the last-minute details for the Rainbow Celebration of Excellence, which is less than two weeks away [oh my!].
  • Due to lack of availability for trainers and the end-of-semester rush of madness, the group agreed to cancel the final Safe Zone training for the semester.
  • The Difficult Dialogues series that was put on by Cindy Anderton was a wild success, with very positive feedback from participants. They’ll be looking to expand the reach of the program, but potentially look at making it time-intensive to be more appealing to people.

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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Safe Zone Made the News!

The task force’s Safe Zone training was featured on the UWW-TV news on 22 March, right before Spring Break. It’s pretty cool – see for yourself!


[The segment starts at the 4:15 mark]

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Need A Course or Two for Fall?

Here’s a few special-topic courses that may be of interest to students:

SOC496/ASIANST488 Gender and Family in Japan
This course will examine the historical constructions of gender, sexuality, and family in Japan since the 17th Century, and forms of masculinity, femininity, sexuality, and family institution in contemporary Japan. Through acquiring knowledge about Japan, students will come to understand how gender, sexuality, and family are historically and socially constructed, to recognize how individual lives are affected by socially constructed gender, sexuality, and family, and to evaluate various aspects of social life critically.
For more information: contact Dr. Akiko Yoshida at

PAX488 Special Topics: Human Rights
An interdisciplinary study of international human rights and its corresponding implementation of law within regional conflicts located around the world. This covers the historical and origins of human rights discourse in Eastern and Western contexts as well as obstacles to achieving a universal human solidarity in our time. In response, students will practice writing and advocacy skills important for pursuing human rights both locally and globally. Important: the prerequisite is waived for non-freshman students.
For more information: contact Dr. David Reinhart at

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My Princess Boy

As part of the Early Childhood Conference that is being held here on campus, Cheryl Kilodavis, the author of My Princess Boy will be on campus to talk about her book that tells the story of a four year-old boy that likes pretty things. This work of nonfiction, based on the author’s own child, has started the ‘acceptance’ movement, which seeks to provide a place for all children, regardless of their differences.

From the author:

Thank you for supporting My Princess Boy. My goal with this book and sharing my journey is to create a space in this world where children who are different, feel different or express themselves differently can be accepted for who they are. That space can only be opened by you and your conversations. I hope My Princess Boy can help to start that dialogue. In light of all that happened in 2010, with children resulting to unthinkable outcomes simply for not being able to be themselves, it is time that we as a community stop this. We must default to acceptance. From there, we will eventually move to inclusion, and begin embracing the uniqueness within us all. I have no idea if my princess boy will stop dressing differently or if he will become a fantastic princess man, but I do know we will love him and accept him either way. This is a process, a journey. Be kind to and honest with yourselves and together, we will make this the year of acceptance!

The talk will be on 13 April at 10AM in the Summers Auditorium. Make sure to be there!

[download the informational flyer]

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