Category Archives: minutes

October 2011 Meeting

We met last Wednesday (12 October) – here are the highlights: The Chancellor has APPROVED the LGBT* Education and Service Coordinator position. We’re that much closer to having a person in the role! We’re talking about changing the day and … Continue reading

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September 2011 Team Trans* Meeting

The TEAM Trans* group met yesterday (28 September) – here are the highlights: Progress continues to be made on the gender-neutral bathrooms. The signage is being created and then will be installed, along with the appropriate locks. The group will … Continue reading

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September 2011 Meeting

We met last Wednesday (14 September) – here are the highlights: Terry updated the group on the progress made with regards to gender-neutral housing. Also on the topic of gender-neutral, the signs for the gender-neutral bathrooms are being put up … Continue reading

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August 2011 Meeting

We met last Wednesday (10 August) – here are the highlights: Kim met with the Chancellor for the annual report of what we’ve been doing, and he gave us positive reviews! Chris has been hard at work at getting the … Continue reading

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July 2011 Meeting

The task force was scheduled to meet last Wednesday for our monthly meeting, but for some reason people think that they can take vacation during the summer. Because of this, the meeting was canceled. We’re still on for our August … Continue reading

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