May 2011 Meeting

We met yesterday (11 May) – here are the highlights:

  • Those that participated in the workshop last week shared their thoughts and reactions – overall, huge breakthroughs been made! HUGE thanks to Lauren Smith, Brent Bilodeau, Kim Simes and Jim Winship for organizing!
  • The proposal for the LGBT Coordinator position has been given to the Chancellor.
  • The next TEAM Transgender brainstorming session has been rescheduled to 25 May at 1PM in the Career & Leadership Development Conference Room, in order to process the results of the Potty Party.

You can also read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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Diversity @ UW-W

To stay in the loop on all of the awesome diversity events that happen on campus, there are a number of ways in which you can get all the information you need:

Kudos to Rachel Appner, the Diversity Promotions Intern in the Human Resources & Diversity Office, for spearheading the publicity for these great learning opportunities!

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April 2011 Meetings

We met last Wednesday (13 April) – here are the highlights:

  • There’s going to be an excellent workshop on LGBT issues on 6-7 May – e-mail Lauren Smith if interested in participating.
  • The job description and rationale for the proposed LGBT Coordinator was approved by the task force. Now it will move on up to the Chancellor for discussion and approval.
  • The final Safe Zone training will be on 21 April [1230PM in UC260].

You can also read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

The group also met today [20 April] to specifically discuss transgender issues on campus, as part of a continuing focus to make the campus more inclusive of everyone. Today’s meeting revolved around the work done by subcommittees. Take a look at the notes from today’s discussion (PDF).

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March 2011 Meeting

We met Wednesday (9 March) – here are the highlights:

  • The final Safe Zone training of the semester will be on 21 April [1230PM in UC260].
  • The task force discussed the excellent work of the subcommittee on the job description and rationale for the proposed LGBT Coordinator. Final feedback is requested by 4 April and will be wrapped up at the April meeting.
  • There have been subgroups established for the transgender brainstorming sessions, with the groups reporting back to the full task force at the April meeting.

You can also read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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February 2011 Meeting

We met Wednesday (9 February) – here are the highlights:

  • The first Safe Zone training of the semester will be coming up in a few weeks [22 February from 1130AM-1230PM in UC260 with Chris & Kyle].
  • A subcommittee has put together a draft position description for the proposed Coordinator of LGBT Outreach & Services. The task force reviewed the PD and offered some recommendations for changes.
  • There are a lot of great events going on at the Warhawk Involvement Center – make sure to stop by and take a look!

You can also read the full minutes (PDF) if you’d like.

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