October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October 2013 Community Education E-Bulletin (2) is a link that provides information about October events relating to domestic violence, including Hope House of Central Wisconsin (a haven for those escaping domestic violence in their lives), Respect! Challenge 2013, local news events, survivor stories, and many other valuable resources and information available to you, as well as how to help donate to Hope House.

Be aware of abuse signs and reach out to those who need help escaping all forms of domestic violence and learning to love and respect one’s self and each other.

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October Safe Zone Training

The Chancellor’s Taskforce on LGBT* Issues will hold a Safe Zone training on Wednesday, October 2 from 1-2pm in the Career & Leadership Development conference room. Come to the front desk of the Career & Leadership Development in the University Center and you will be shown to the room.

The Chancellor’s Task Force on LGBT* Issues will hold a Safe Zone training on October 2nd. The Safe Zone program provides a safe, comfortable setting for members of the campus community to learn about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender* identities and issues. All discussions will be strictly confidential and topics will be addressed in a non-threatening and non-judgmental manner. After the training, attendees have the opportunity to become part of a network of safe and welcoming spaces and people for LGBT* members of the campus community and their allies.

Campus offices and departments also may schedule a Safe Zone training specifically for their faculty and staff.

For more information about Safe Zone training or to schedule an office or department training session, contact Cindy Konrad at konradc@uww.edu or at 472-7169.

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September 2013 Meeting

Welcome back to another exciting and eventful Fall semester!

The LGBT Task Force had its first meeting on Thursday, September 12, and here are a few of the upcoming events:

  • National Coming Out Day Celebration – sponsored by IMPACT – All Students, Faculty, and Staff are welcome to share their stories coming out as LGBT* and allies on Tuesday, October 8, 2013
  • G.B.F. (Gay Best Friend) – film screening collaboration with IMPACT on Tuesday, October 8
  • It Gets Better! – sponsored by the Young Auditorium and Campus Diversity Forum on Thursday, November 7
  • Transgender Identities and Issues presented by Mara Kiesling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality speaks on Tuesday, November 12

There’s WAY more than just that – read the Full Minutes [PDF] to find out more!

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LGBT Marketing Survey

From Kim Simes, Midwest Regional Manager, Family Equality Council

I wanted to pass along an opportunity for you to take a very important survey that will help a leading LGBT marketing firm get the data needed to show corporations that their positive support of the LGBT community is not only the right thing to do, but is the profitable choice. This survey will likely take you less than 10 minutes to complete. Also, don’t forget when asked to check Family Equality Council as the organization from which you heard about the survey. We want to make sure that companies and businesses get the message loud and clear that we want to spend our money with companies that actively support equality. Together we can hold corporations responsible for their social impact.”

So what are you waiting for? Take the survey!

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May 2013 Meeting

We met last week [9 May] – here are the highlights:

  • The Rainbow Celebration of Excellence was a success – thanks to Cindy for organizing a great event!
  • Mark your calendar – IMPACT will be celebrating Coming Out Day on 8 October from 1230-3PM on the north side of the University Center.
  • The group discussed ways in which to improve the Safe Zone training, which included more interactivity and discussion, possible inclusion of video [the student panel, for example], as well as possible additional trainings that go deeper into the issues.

There’s WAY more than just that – read the full minutes [PDF] if you’d like.

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