PETA, or the people for the ethical treatment of animals, recently issued a social media post that described conservationist and world icon Steve Irwin as abusive to animals. They went to the extent of saying he was harassing the sting ray that killed him. They did not say he deserved it, per say, but, it sure seemed like that’s what they were hinting at.

An image of Elon Musk laughing at a dead deer appeared this week. Redditors are recognized for really caring for Elon Musk’s and Steve Irwin’s legacy.

With the unexpected and radical backlash Irwin faced, a Redditor created this meme to ‘prepare’ for the backlash that Elon Musk is going to get.

The top text is a great reference. If you have been on the web since PETA decided to go after Irwin, you would understand the enormous amount of backlash they’ve faced. I have never seen PETA be attacked like this. For this meme to suggest they now are going after one of Reddits prized idols, it earns a lot of points. This top text is going to get a 5/5 from me for the era of recency and accuracy of the reference.

The image is a still from an episode of SpongeBob, where a frustrated Bikini Bottom citizen has to teach old man Jenkins a lesson again, just like Reddit would have to do to PETA if they decided to go the route of trying to defame Elon Musk. This part of the meme even brought back memories of how angry and spiteful the SpongeBob character sounded. Since this popular culture reference invokes such a powerful feeling, I will be giving it a 5/5.

Rarely will a meme receive a 10 score, but the featuring of Elon Musk, Steve Irwin, and SpongeBob Squarepants pushed it into the upper echelon of meme greatness.