T-minus 17 hours

Well, I leave tomorrow! It’s feeling weird to me, almost like it isn’t happening, even though I know I’m leaving. I thought I would feel more nervous than I do right now, like I felt two years ago when I left for my cross-continental backpacking trip, but instead I feel calm. It’s honestly so nice….

Waiting Game

Well, I leave in 9 days, and I’ve hardly started thinking about preparing to leave. I still have to get an adapter, call my bank and let them know I’ll be abroad, get some euros, figure out what to do about a phone plan, and pack! These are all on my to-do list for the…

One month to go…

I received an email from the Global Experiences office the other day wishing me luck and safe travels on my study abroad trip. When I got the email, I thought ‘Aw, that’s sweet, but I don’t leave for a while yet’, but then I checked my calendar and realized that I actually leave in a…

My Goals

Before studying abroad, students are asked to set three goals for themselves – a language goal, a cultural goal, and a professional goal. My goals are listed below, and I really want to force myself to follow them and achieve each one to the best of my ability. Putting them out there is (hopefully) going…