About Me

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Hello! You’re on this page to get to know more about me so, let’s do it! My name is Kelsey Jaeger, and I am currently a junior at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, majoring in Art with a Graphic Design emphasis and minoring in Advertising. I was born and raised in a small town in central Wisconsin, about 2 1/2 hours north of school. In high school, I was a three-sport athlete: softball, volleyball, and bowling. With being in school, clubs, and playing a sport year-round, health and wellness were the last things on my mind. I thought I was active enough to where I didn’t have to do much else outside these activities to keep healthy. Then, I came to college and had to change my habits.

Everyone has heard of the Freshman 15, and I was determined not to gain it. I looked up so many different health-related articles on the Internet to see what I can do as a busy student to make sure I eat healthy and carve time out of my day to be active. I came across many blog sites that only gave me tips on things that should work. I felt like the author of these blog posts regurgitated tips read from doctors instead of trying it for themselves.

I have been finding little things to develop into my busy routine that help my physical and mental health for three years. Instead of telling you what should work for you, I share my experiences of what did work for me and will hopefully work for you, too. This way, you can decide if this outcome will benefit you and your busy day. Women have their plates full all 24 hours of the day, but together we can find some time to assist our physical and mental health.