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League of Legends: A Perplexing Conundrum

October 8, 2021

I don’t know about y’all, but I have an open secret: I play League of Legends. It’s funny, I went from flaming my little sister for playing this game to playing it out of spite. But then I met my partner through a mutual friend, catalyzed by this game. I still remember the champions that the two of us played to this day. As I got to know my partner, League became a larger part of my life and I found myself to be increasingly more addicted to it as time goes on.

In all honesty, I want to hate this game. I hate the toxicity of the game and a lot of its player base. I hate certain champions that counter my favorite champions. I hate how it wastes my time. I hate some of Riot’s practices in regards to this game and its lore. And yet, I have no shortage of people that will invite me to a game after a long day. I get really excited when I have a kill/death rate of 20/4/13 as Heimerdinger, a champion that is very disliked. I hype up my friends when they do really well in a game.

As I keep playing this game, it feels as if I am deluding myself into liking this game, if that’s what I can call it at this point. It makes me feel happy, sad, angry, stressed, and exhilarated all at once. I’ve reached a point where I’ve gotten too good at certain champions (if you’re wondering, I play Lulu, Sona, Heimerdinger, and Lux) and I feel like I shouldn’t be as good at them as I am. I don’t know if or when I will step back from League, especially considering that it is a cornerstone of my relationship (fun fact, he’s on our school’s varsity League team), but it’s not like I hate this game, although, I do receive quite a bit of flack from non-players about why I bother with the toxicity of the game.

League of Legends, it’s a love-hate relationship.


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