Where Food Rumors are Broken

Tag food myths

Eat Chocolate!

Admit it, you really like chocolate (more like love it). Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It is estimated that in the U.S., approximately 1 billion people eat chocolate every day. Chances are, most of those people feel a little bit… Continue Reading →

Milk: A White Lie

I was scolded my entire childhood for not drinking my milk because my parents feared that I wasn’t getting enough protein due to the fact that I didn’t enjoy eating animal products. But I was never convinced that I needed… Continue Reading →

A Spoonful of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter has been given a bad rep, and old research is to blame. In the past, peanut butter has been shamed for being fattening, and that idea is still present today in the worry of gaining weight. But thanks… Continue Reading →

Food Trends

Have you ever noticed how fast food trends change? One day you’re told all fats should be avoided at all costs, and the next you hear that some may be extremely beneficial to your health. This can make it hard… Continue Reading →

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