Not to be biased or anything, but when it comes to creating backstories, my favorite class for this is without question the Warlock.
Why, you may ask?
As you might already know, Warlocks are defined by the magical pacts they make with otherworldly and powerful beings known patrons, either for desperation, meeting said beings by chance, or just for pure selfishness. These beings can range from powerful devils and demons to Cthulhu-like beings, just to name a few. The warlock would ask for knowledge, power, or anything else they may want, in exchange for being a servant to the patron.
Why Warlocks are great for backstories
The personal reason why I enjoy warlocks for the backstory is because it can drive the campaign in interesting and unexpected ways. Since warlocks are basically under the leash to this patron, they might be forced to do what the patron wants them to do.
It’s also a good way to ground them into the campaign, by making them a warlock to an established figure in whatever world the DM is making for the players. The warlock might even try to break free from their patron if they wish to do so.
Why this class is great for new players
This class is great for new players if they are prepared to play a more complicated character, in exchange for a backstory that gives the DM a lot to work around, and is interesting enough to where the player can get invested in them.
Backstory example: Wyll
This example will be a bit different. I will be providing an example of a warlock from the video game Baldur’s Gate 3, a D&D 5e game coming out next year.

This is Wyll, a companion you can meet in the game. His backstory is that his village was raided by goblins, so he made a pact with a devil from the Nine Hells, to harness its magic in exchange for his soul. He was praised as a local hero and monster hunter, but he came to regret his decision, so his main motivation is to try to end his connection for the devil before it can claim his soul.