Everyone is busy in college. Balancing classwork, another job and a social life is a lot. There isn’t a lot of freetime to be had. But in those moments, it can be fun to fill the time with a DIY project. DIY typically involves either making something you enjoy for cheaper or jazzing up something you already have. Either way it’s all about making your space more suited for you.

Personally, I’ve only had a little experience with DIY. My proud accomplishment was one summer I refinished and stained the desk that sits in my apartment. But like I said, that project took longer than expected in the sanding process due to the surprisingly sticky previous paint coat that was left on the desk when I found it. Then finding the correct shade of stain I wanted was another separate process. If anyone has had the time to “flip” a piece of furniture, you’ll understand the slight emotional investment you get in the piece. My desk itself was originally made sometime in the 1950’s and its age does show in the overall stability of its drawers and shelves. However, since I put all of my time and effort into fixing it up, I couldn’t be happier with the end product.
If you’re not looking for a long process, there are easier things to do.
Art is the best place to start. Whether it’s painting a small mural in the corner of your apartment or adding small designs to a piece of furniture you don’t love the most. I picked up a lazy susan from an antique store with a cute floral detail along the sides of a previous owner. It’s the small things that can make all the difference.

However you decide to do you DIY is up to you. As a college student, I wouldn’t recommend trying to flip a couch you found on the side of the road in your dorm room. Smaller projects, like painting something or drying out some florals to put on your wall, are all easier solutions to get your DIY fix.
April 21, 2022 at 2:20 pm
I love DIY projects! They are so rewarding once they are finished, and can save you a lot of money! I personally flipped my desk in my room as well! I am lucky in that my dad is very handy, and helped me to make a headboard and nightstand too. All of these projects allow you to truly make your space your own, which I love.
April 22, 2022 at 6:22 pm
ahhhh! that DIY turned out so cute! i wish I had steady enough hands and good color choice to do one of these!
April 26, 2022 at 6:09 pm
I might have to try a DIY project for my room sometime.
April 27, 2022 at 3:44 am
This is such great advice! I’m so inspired seeing other people’s DIY projects, because it’s such a creative way to elevate a piece. Plus it’s a much more sustainable alternative than getting rid of something that’s worn a bit! That desk looks gorgeous by the way!