City of Green Bay Passes New Budget

Green Bay, Wis. – Green Bay’s city council voted to pass a new update to the city’s budget. The council voted 7-5 on the new 2020 budget.
The council had been in discussion about the new bill along with where cuts and changes needed to be made, however, it does not seem that a whole lot has changed.
This budget is still significant though since it is Mayor Eric Genrich’s first budget as mayor of Green Bay.
The main points of the bill will include a 3.2% tax rate increase and citizens will see an increase in their water bill for storm sewer rates.
The biggest challenge for Mayor Genrich and the council was deciding where the cuts needed to be made and what would have the biggest and best impact on the people.
“Do we do more harm by trying to save the taxpayers a few bucks or do we do more harm by not raising the taxes when we should?” Alderman Bill Galvin asked.
They wanted to do a few things differently this year due to certain terms of past budgets that have made the details of this budget tricky. But, feedback from the citizens of Green Bay are positive and this new budget looks like a step in the right direction.
Jordan Baierl @ November 6, 2019