Say “Yes!” to Junk Food

You must think I am absolutely out of my mind… This blog is called “Calories on Campus” and I just titled a post “Say Yes to Junk Food.” Let me explain myself. Who wants to live a life where they never get to eat pizza, ice cream, etc.? NO ONE. Well, maybe some people do, but I am convinced they are not human. There is no need to be miserable dieting by not allowing yourself to eat the food you want to eat. I mean come on, is wearing a size zero really worth giving up all your guilty pleasure foods? For me, it most definitely is not. Here’s my second reason for saying yes to junk food, if you tell yourself you aren’t allowed to eat that burger and fries, guess what you are going to be craving and daydreaming about? That damn burger and fries. At least, that’s pretty much how it goes for me.


Let me tell you something, moderation is your new best friend. You should allow yourself to eat some food that is bad for you, as long as it’s in moderation. Here’s how I’ve practiced this idea: I allow myself to eat “junk food” one day per week. Now, you can really make this method fit however you’d like. If you’re trying to lose weight, maybe have junk food every two weeks, if you are just trying to stay in shape, i’d say once a week is a healthy medium. Obviously this method is less effective if you eat an entire extra large pizza, and quart of ice cream on this one day, but you get the idea. The way I’ve gone about this, is allowing myself to eat one unhealthy dinner per week. And I have to be honest, this isn’t the easiest thing for me, but when I finally get to eat that meal, it tastes even better, and it feels like a great reward to the hard work I’ve put in. Bottom line, don’t deprive yourself of the food you like just for the sake of being “skinny,” say yes to junk food, and make moderation your new diet partner.


Happy Eating,


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