College Self-Care

Countdown to Finals

The few weeks starting before finals are the worst part of the semester in my opinion. There is so much going on from final papers and projects/ presentations before you can even start studying for exams. From 7:00 AM to 12 PM, I am nonstop doing work to get everything completed by the set deadline. Personally, it is my last semester before graduation so it is extra stressful making sure I will pass the classes by my graduation date, which is the 21st. Feeling like I am ready to pull my hair out on a daily basis, I try to remain healthy and take care of myself. Here are a few ways you can keep your head above water as the end draws near.

Schedule Out Your day

My planner is my lifeline and without it, I don’t know where I would be. You have to remember to complete one task at a time before you move on to the next and my planner reminds me of that. Don’t be afraid to change up your schedule if things get get switched around.

Take Time for Yourself

Take time out to read a book, workout, watch a movie, scroll through social media feeds to keep you sane and not overwhelmed. Before bed is always a good time for me to take time out for me. Also, venting to family and friends helps me tremendously!

Eat Balanced Meals

Eat balanced meals throughout the day to make sure your mind is working at it’s full capacity and you have enough energy to get through the day’s.

Whatever you choose to accomplish, it is vital to finish strong but make sure you are taking care of yourself throughout the process. Good Luck!

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