Collegiate Halloween Weekend Ideas
In honor of Halloween weekend here are things you can do to keep yourself preoccupied. In college, Halloween is such a fun time with different activities to participate in if your creative and wish too expand your horizons. College parties, fall leaves, the taste of pumpkin, what could be better)!!!

- Pumpkin and apple picking ( get the classic fall pictures for Facebook & Instagram)
- Pumpkin Carving (Easier to buy the carving sets, don’t forget to keep the seeds)
- Haunted Houses (Personally, I am scared to go, but obviously a yearly tradition for some)
- Costume parties (I love dressing up in college, this past year I was a Zombie Rocker Chick, as seen in picture above)
- Trick or Treat (hand out to the little kids. If not, I believe your never to old to go yourself)
- Go to Starbucks for your pumpkin spice latte
- Indulge in a warm apple cider
- Visit a haunted cemetary with your friends
- Make a pumpkin pie (save pumpkin filling after you crave your pumpkins)
- Play/get pictures in the leaves (make use of whats fell to the ground)
- Go fall tree sighting (soak up the colors)
- Watch a good horror/thriller film. ( Conjuring movies never fail to scare me)
- Play Halloween/ horror film trivia
- Decorate Halloween cookies!!!
- Drink magic potions (concoct your favorite fall drinks)
- Pumpkin Bowling (it’s a thing)
Have a Happy Halloween Weekend!!