Signing up for classes on time is a big part of being successful to graduate on time! I came up with a list of reasons of why it’s important for you guys.
Reasons to sign up for classes on time:
Better class selection.
The sooner you register for classes, it gives you more courses to pick from. Average credit course amount is from 12-16 credits, which are 4-6 classes per semester. It’s nice to be able to pick what classes you would like to take rather than having no choice to have a class you don’t like. The student population at a college compared to the number of classes or professors is a big difference. So make sure to register on time!
No course registrations = No class.
If you don’t sign up, there’s no classes for you to take. The process is stressful because we need to figure out if we are picking the correct classes for our major. It should be discussed with multiple advisors so make sure you are on the right track.
You’ll have time to handle roadblocks.
By getting ahead of the game for classes it gives you time to figure out any obstacles. Last year I waited a couple hours after class registration to sign up for classes which was a bad idea. Two of the classes I wanted to take were full. Thankfully since it was the first day, I was able to switch them to other classes that I needed, but that’s not always the case. If someone would wait their classes could all be full, having to throw your semester off which could possibly increase a semester for you on campus.
Lastly, It’s over with.
If you sign up right away, you don’t have to worry about it. Leading up to signing up for classes is so scary since you don’t know if you will get in or not. After having your classes picked that is so much stress that you don’t have to stress out about anymore.
Hopefully this post gives you motivation to start planning your schedule for next semester. October is already here!!