Archive for February, 2017

Module 2 Blog Post – Learner Development

“People develop at different rates, development is relatively orderly, development takes place gradually.” (Woolfolk, p. 36). Each one of these principles are key components of learner development. However, there are a few theorists (Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, and Bronfenbrenner) whose ideas and concepts of a child’s learning development are similar in a sense yet different at the same time. Piaget’s and Vygostky’s beliefs and ideas on social and cognitive development will be discussed throughout this blog.

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Piaget had four stages of cognitive development which were sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. He believed every child passes through each one of these stages throughout his/her lifetime. While each one of these stages relates to a child’s understanding of learning development, children may or may not ever go through each one of these stages. As discussed in class, Dr. Weber has a young child at home in which she not only is in the preoperational stage but also in the concrete operational stage in her life. While Dr. Weber’s daughter understands concepts of conservation (i.e. having the same amount of coins in both rows regardless of how spread out they are), she might not understand the concept of having the same amount of water in two glasses then taking that same amount of water and pouring it into a wider/taller glass.While some children do in fact go through each stage, some children learn better and/or excel or skip some stages of Piaget’s theory of development based on their learning capabilities.

This is vital to understand when it comes to teaching because as a teacher, you are responsible for understanding each and everyone of your student’s learning abilities in order to teach at an effective level for all students.

“We develop because we learn.” (PowerPoint, 2017). Vygotsky believed that culture and the social processes are what affected a child’s learning more greatly. He came up with the idea of the zone of proximal development in which is “the area between the child’s current development level and the level of development that the child could achieve through adult guidance or collaboration with more capable peers.” (Woolfolk, p. 67). This can impact a child’s learning and well as the teachers instruction greatly. While having the child focus best on what he/she can accomplish individually then gradually assisting in ways in ways that will benefit the child’s understanding is an important concept of successful teaching. Being aware of the different types of learning development that you have in your classroom is key in becoming an outstanding teacher.

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Parenting styles are also extremely significant when it comes to a child’s behavior and feelings. While there are four types of styles, authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and rejecting/neglectful, each one of these styles can create a major impact on a child’s learning development and behavior. By having parents whom are authoritative (high warmth, high control) children can benefit by understanding his/her consequences by each action made. Having parents who set high rules and limits however, guide their children into the “right” direction by discussing the results of each action made, will help the student understand the importance of positive decision making. Children of authoritative parents tend to do well in school and feel more confident in themselves and relate to others better. As a teacher, it is important to remember that all students however, do not come from authoritative parents. By treating each child in the same manner will benefit your teaching strategies greatly and you will in turn, gain a better knowledge of how parenting styles can greatly impact a child’s learning. A video to better understand the different types of parenting styles and how they can impact a child’s behavior and development is linked below:

(Bano, 2015).

As a future teacher, understanding different types of learner development and parenting styles and how social and cultural processes can impact a child’s learning is vital to bring to the classroom. Each theory and idea discussed comes together to not only develop the child’s learning development but to mold you into a better teacher. Having the knowledge that all students develop at different rates and that development is gradual will help you plan and create a learning environment specifically designed towards your students capabilities.


Woolfolk, A. (2014). Educational psychology: Active learning edition. (12th ed.). Pearson.

Weber, N. (2017). Educational psychology: Module 2: Learner Development (2/9). PowerPoint. Retrieved from

Bano, A. (2015). Parenting styles and their influence on children. YouTube. Retrieved from


Add comment February 22nd, 2017

Module 1 Blog Post – Research in Education

As a future teacher, being able to incorporate research into classroom learning is important when it comes to effective teaching. The purpose for research in education is to stimulate discussion in the classroom, challenge students’ assumptions and opinions, reaffirm connections, and raise new questions about the topic at hand. Research can also make and confirm sound decisions about the education activities and experiences that will best serve your students individual needs.

While providing and collecting research in order to effectively and successfully engage students’ learning, information literacy is also important when evaluating your students understanding of a subject as well as your teaching. Becoming a future educator, being able to incorporate information literacy into the classroom setting is essential for students’ learning of all levels and various backgrounds. “As teacher educators who teach literacy methods courses, we emphasize the importance of high-quality literacy instruction that meets the needs of all students from many different backgrounds in today’s classrooms.” (Brock, 2007, pg. 18). By understanding this concept, students will be able to make informed educational decisions about the specific topic, incorporate knowledge from the information found into his/her work, and be able to assess and evaluate the information accurately and effectively.

Although being able to find and apply research in the classroom is significant for a students understanding of learning; sharing and applying the research found is just as, if not more, important to great teaching. “The importance of assigning homework as a tool for practice continues to be debated at many levels of education.” (Young, 2016, pg. 1).

As a future physical education teacher, it is questioned as to “what homework do you give as a P.E. instructor?” “Do or will students even learn anything out of homework in this subject?” The importance of physical education and health as a secondary level student is necessary for each and every student. Just as math, science, or English, physical education plays just as an important role and combines knowledge of all different subjects so students benefit greatly. Young students living in society today, need to understand that staying healthy and having knowledge on health and fitness can not only benefit them, but their future generation as well. Letting students discover various types of research and different assignments individually and/or in small groups can benefit the students understanding on the topic greatly. As Simplicio stated, “Homework is
a time honored strategy for developing learning skills and reinforcing knowledge gained within the classroom.” (2005, pg. 1).

While obesity and various diseases are more common in today’s society, especially for the younger generation; and with technology playing the key role, being active and understanding how to stay healthy is major. Again, as many believe that physical education is not as important as core subjects such as math, English, science, reading, etc. research proves that by practicing homework in this subject can in turn practice positive, active behavior in a child’s physical activity. “In yet another study, which looked at using homework in a PE class, researchers found that physical educators typically saw increases in physical activity levels outside of school hours when homework was assigned.” (Burt, 2017, pg. 2).

Applying my knowledge on this topic and topics that I have recently learned about research and information literacy is essential to my future teaching and can benefit me greatly. I will be able to ensure that students understand the importance of not only homework, but how further research and studies can improve knowledge, the understanding, and mastery of a specific topic.

As research is the topic being discussed, I came across an interesting video by researcher Dr. John J. Ratey, MD and how he discusses exercise and physical activity. Not only is it good for a students’ brain, but it can improve a students learning and knowledge in other core subjects. Thought it be a great end watch to sum up this blog!



Brock, C. H., Lapp, D., Flood, J., Fisher, D., & Keonghee Tao, H. (2007). Does homework matter?. Urban Education42(4), 349-372.

Young, N., Dollman, m., & Angel, N. F. (2016). Does homework really matter for college students in quantitatively-based courses?. Journal Of Learning In Higher Education12(1), 19-26.

Simplicio, J. C. (2005). Homework in the 21st century: The antiquated and ineffectual implementation of a time honored educational strategy.  Education126(1), 138-142.


Burt, D. J. (2017). Using the TIPS method to implement homework in physical education. Strategies (08924562), 30(1), 43-46.


Add comment February 6th, 2017

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