5 tips for great story telling
Story telling is a lost art form that can be utilized for many different purposes. As a current journalist, I use the techniques in a literal sense to continuously generate news segments and tell useful and entertaining stories for the public. As a young entrepreneur, these techniques can be used for marketing, social media, branding, and much more.
1. Do your research
Before telling the story in a campaign or even composition, it is important that you do your research. If you are uneducated about the basics of the topic at hand you won’t be able to articulate the more abstract figures involved.
2. Ask preliminary questions
Before attacking the assignment, make sure you are asking those involved the important questions. Try your hardest to create a humanized and relateable story. You want those who soak it in to be able to feel and relate to your subject. It sells better that way.
3. Find the deeper story
Often times there is more in front of you than is directly visible. Strive to use the obvious story as a support for the underlying emotions, benefits, or even problems to decide how the story will be told. Viewers have Google if they just wish to scratch the surface.