This is for those who work well under significant and unnecessary pressure
All my life I have operated on the “take it one day at a time and knock ’em down as they go,” outlook. This strategy has turned me into an unintentional procrastinator. I find that I often am completely engorged in a project… or completely avoiding all responsibility so as to not encounter stress until I have to. Recently I began to notice, after all the years of being told to be better prepared, this may just be the way I operate.
Everyone’s hours of productivity are different, some are night owls who flourish in the light of the moon and are most creative during the hours others are sleeping, others wake in the wee-hours of the morning to attack the day head-on. No matter if you are someone who take big tasks in chunks, or all at once… if you are completing the task with pride and in good taste… don’t be ashamed of your methods.
There is a seemingly toxic culture around those of us who thrive under-pressure or wait until crunch time to align our focus… but I think some of my best work has come out of an insomniac obsession. Yes, there is method to making lists and planning your work sessions and yes I do believe they are vital to the process. You have to keep yourself somewhat accountable for how you are managing project completion and deadlines. Outside of this… I encourage you to listen to your energy. If you find your most productive window is between the hours of 6 p.m. and 1 a.m. or you have to sit down and work a project all in one sitting… more power to you. If you are someone who begins before the sun and takes breaks to refresh, then please continue!
We need to quit telling each other that our strategies for attacking success will lead to failure. Every passion requires different maintenance and every creation may require a different mental process. So go on my little insomniac, shut-ins work your magic in the way you best know how.