
Trusting the process

Lately, as I am coming to a close on my college days, I have been thinking about my aspirations and goals with who I have come to be over the past couple of years. I have learned I am someone who works better independently and likes to have creative control and claim to her work. This is why I know with my whole heart I belong in the freelance creative field.

Every project is new and each new person you meet becomes an ally in your battle for independence. This is the passion filled life I wish to encounter for a majority of my career. Of all things, I am also aware everyone has to begin their journey somewhere. I do acknowledge I have been given wonderful experiences and advice that has allowed me to step outside the usual barriers for someone my age. I am a blessed individual who is working as hard as she can to be someone.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have had to come to terms with the fact I won’t be responsibly able to start my career out as a freelancer. I simply do not have the money or the equipment needed to run the full fledged operation I dream of. I am going to have to put in some work before I can do what I wish for… the RIGHT way.

This, as you can imagine, has been a difficult pill to swallow as I know I won’t be doing exactly what I want to off the get-go. I guess it just aligns with the fact of when I am in school I focus on school. That’s what I have done all my life. I have friends who have graduated with fully developed companies, traveling, and living the dream… but they didn’t do fantastically in school the best way they could. It’s all a difference in mentality and priority. Neither of these options are wrong at all. He still graduated and I am going to have a job. It’s not a loss.

Now, this may all seem “boujee” and “first-world problematic,” and it is kinda is… I admit it. On the other side though, I have worked very hard and my mindset is very dedicated to achieving dreams and goals. I start something and do not stop until I get it; I’ve always been that way. I just have to keep reminding myself everyone gets to where they need to go at the time they need to and everyone starts somewhere.

If you’re anyway like me… or an aspiring entrepreneur, I think this is a very important lesson to get ahead of.

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