New Stuff Tuesday – August 7, 2018

Ready Player One book cover

Ready Player One
by Ernest Cline
PS3603.L548 R43 2011
Main Collection, 3rd floor

You may have heard of a little blockbuster movie in the theaters this summer, called Ready Player One. We have not one, but TWO copies of the book that inspired the film available through Andersen Library for your reading pleasure. I like reading books related to movies I’ve seen or will see because they almost always to provide more detail that the movies possibly could. Although Cline was a screenwriter on this film version and could pick and choose the most relevant pages for it, how could even he possibly capture everything from the book in a mere 2 hours 20 minutes? That is why I read the books. I need to know!

This engrossing science fiction novel shows both dystopian and utopian sides of the foreseeable future. The protagonist Wade Watts finds little to love about his reality, but in virtual reality he, and many others, enjoy a far better world called the OASIS. Upon the death of the massive multiplayer game’s eccentric creator, a video is released in which he challenges users to find his “Easter Egg.” Wade is all game for this. If he solves the puzzles he will gain massive fortune and power, however, he’s not the only one putting the pieces together and those other people are out for blood. If you geek 1980s pop culture and classic video games you will surely like this book. A lot. It sucked me in from the first page. Oh, and don’t skip over the footnotes.

Check out this CBS Sunday Morning interview with Ernest Cline about the book.

About Martha

Martha is a Reference & Instruction Librarian and the liaison to the Biological Sciences, Computer Science, Languages and Literatures, Mathematics, and Physics Departments
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