• Prep,  Toppings

    How to Make the Perfect Sausage

    Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. I hope everyone has had an amazing weekend despite the chaos going on in our world (i.e covid & the election). I am getting so excited for Thanksgiving & Christmas, how about you? Without further ado I will be getting into this weeks blog topic, how to make the perfect sausage. As some may say sausage is the best topping on a pizza. But how do you make your own sausage? There have been numerous times where people at catering events ask how I make the sausage, and how is it so good? I season it by myself to add more flavor! Honestly…

  • Toppings

    How to make pizza look like ART

    Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. I hope everyone is getting excited for Halloween. This week I am going to talk about how to make your pizza look like art! Food can be very expressive. I am going to give you guys tips and tricks on how to make your pizza look amazing and appealing to others. 1) TAKE YOUR TIME: My first tip for you is to take your sweet time. If your in a hurry its easy to just slap toppings onto your pizza, although it will still taste good, it might not look as appealing as it could! So take your time and arrange your toppings…