• Wood fired oven

    How to Scoop a Pizza

    Hey everyone! Welcome back to my blog. I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving with your loved ones. This week I will be teaching you guys how to scoop a pizza off of your cutting board! If you haven’t read my blog about how to stretch pizza dough, I would read that before you keep reading. Scooping a pizza off the cutting board with a paddle is how you get your pizza in the oven. This method is very essential because one its how you put your pizza in the oven, and two you don’t want to get holes when you scoop. Here are the essential steps: Step 1: make…

  • Wood fired oven

    How to operate the oven

    Hello everyone welcome back to this weeks blog! Is everyone excited for thanksgiving next week? I know I am. It seems like time is flying by super fast.. this semester is going to be over in the blink of an eye! Anyways, this week I will be teaching you guys step by step on how to operate the oven while pizzas are cooking. Earlier I talked about how to start the oven but now I am going to actually teach you guys how to operate/ maintain it! Step 1: Once the oven is up to temp, and you have done the proper preparations to the oven (see this post if…