Prep,  Toppings

How to Make the Perfect Sausage

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. I hope everyone has had an amazing weekend despite the chaos going on in our world (i.e covid & the election). I am getting so excited for Thanksgiving & Christmas, how about you? Without further ado I will be getting into this weeks blog topic, how to make the perfect sausage. As some may say sausage is the best topping on a pizza. But how do you make your own sausage?

There have been numerous times where people at catering events ask how I make the sausage, and how is it so good? I season it by myself to add more flavor! Honestly seasoning and cooking things from scratch is the best way to go. #1 you know what’s in your food #2 it tastes more flavorful. Staying away from processed foods is what is going to fuel your body. So in order to make the perfect pizza, you must season your own sausage. Here is what sausage I buy, & what I season it with.

If you can get your sausage from a farmer locally do that, but if you don’t have access or the connections with a good farmer then the sausage I usually trust to buy is just unseasoned ground pork that you can find at woodman’s.


  • salt
  • pepper
  • paprika
  • red pepper flakes
  • garlic powder
  • onion powder
  • italian seasoning
  • fennel
  • parsley

Depending on how much sausage you are making, put in how ever much you want visually. If you’re making a bigger batch than usual, add more. I usually just estimate and it always tastes good! You don’t want to put in too much paprika or red pepper flakes because those are the strongest spices. Always add a ton of fennel as this gives the sausage taste. Garlic powder, onion powder, and parsley you can never go wrong with, just put in a decent amount! I hope this blog post helped you guys understand the benefits of making your own food from scratch, as well as learned how to make the perfect sausage! Until next time. Hit me with any questions if you have any!


  • Milo Cross

    This sounds like a simply delicious recipe!! I liked the addition of fennel, I feel like I never see fennel used in recipes – it’s such an underrated spice.

  • Sam Meier

    I like how you brought up adding in all the spices and seasonings to your sausage. I never realized how many seasonings go into making sausage, but it makes sense. Also, I can tell when sausage is made fresh, and I feel like the topping has so much variety compared to other toppings, like mushrooms or pepperoni.

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