• beginners guide

    8 Benefits of Yoga

    Yoga has so many health benefits. Many people are constantly searching for ways to cut back on medicines and chemicals to make them feel better. There are so many ways to naturally heal your body. Yoga is a great way that many find helps them with finding natural releif. Yoga improves balance, flexibility and strength. Yoga relieves stress Yoga can reduce anxiety Yoga can improve moods and create a more clear headspace Yoga connects you to your inner self Yoga can create more energy Yoga can relieve body aches, such as neck and mack pain Yoga can relieve arthritis symptoms Although there are a lot of benefits listed above, there…

  • beginners guide

    The Plant Based Diet

    Although there is not a certain type of diet that you need to follow to do yoga, it is smart to be conscious of the foods you are putting into your body. I have found that in quarantine, I became way more aware of what I was eating and started to look into new diets. The best option I found was called a Plant Based diet. I find that a lot of people who practice yoga are vegetarian, vegan, or plant based. Plant based is not strictly plants and vegies. This is a common misconception. Plant based is actually a bit of a blend. It is mostly plants with very…