“Future of Reputation” Response Questions

1) Will we enslave ourselves by making it impossible to escape from the shackles of our past and from the stain of gossip and false rumors?

I think it completely depends on our actions whenever we are in public. As long as we’re smart about things around us that people would presumably ignore or forget about, we should be okay. Should the lady have cleaned up the mess her dog left on a public train? Absolutely because that is just flat out disgusting and irresponsible. Was it necessary for the person to post that? Probably not, but in today’s day and age, people should realize that some people will post something about you without hesitation if they think it’s funny or frustrating, especially in public.

2)  How much information should we know about each other?

When you have a social media account of some sort, you are taking the risk of others communicating information about you that you probably don’t want them to know. Personally, I have a Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram account. I know I’m taking that risk of others spreading gossip and other things about me, but I also use those platforms for specific reasons. I post on Twitter the most but it’s usually about sports anyways. I don’t post my life away on any of those social media platforms, therefore a lot of people aren’t going to know as much about me compared to others who would prefer posting a lot of things about themselves.

3) How do we allow people to control their personal information without curtailing free speech or stifling freedom on the Internet?

That’s tough because nowadays, it’s not really possible for people to control their personal information because anyone can take something and post it somewhere else. I guess the only way we allow people to control their personal information is by not saying anything about them, which is an outdated concept in today’s world.

4) Should people’s social transgressions follow them on a digital map sheet that can never be expunged?

Again, this goes back to the risk taking process that people go through once they get a social media account. If you decide to get an account, your name will always be there for people to see what you posted. It’s a lot easier for you to not be followed if you get a private account, but even then it’s not completely safe because one of your friends/followers who are friends/followers with you can say something. It also depends on how wisely you use your social media platforms too.

5) Will the ease in inciting moral outrage create a mob driven police state?

You never know. If it gets bad enough, yes. But social media is going to keep evolving, one way or the other.

6) What ethical questions do you think new communication technologies are raising?

Well, the “Future of Reputation” article definitely brings up these types of questions. There’s a lot that the list is almost endless. Is it smart to post this and that? Should this person have a social media account? What do everyday citizens need to do to further protect themselves from being posted somewhere? You could keep going with these questions, but because technology is ever increasing, the ethical debate will always be there.

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