Stay Awake When You Have Nothing to Do All Day!!

So, this tournament we are at this weekend is Norton! It’s basically like the fall version of Nationals and it super competitive. The good news is because I made efforts to talk to people I didn’t know last year, I know waaaayyyy mmoooree people this weekend. I mean teams come from all over the place so, this one is a pretty big deal. Note: I also haven’t had a performance yet at this weekend mine is the last one of tonight and tomorrow morning so, I ‘m sitting twiddling my thumbs and drinking caffeine. 3 cups to be exact and that is not a good thing. It’s actually put me more on edge. Pro-tip…….NEVER DO THAT AGAIN. So, socialize, drink caffeine and stay awake so far so good but, I need a nap.


Here is a picture of a person smiling.


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