Another round of ABC’s is here! We’re going to explore some today that you may not be too familiar with.
H is for Hijab
In this video, hijab is explained as a way of self and religious expression and a way to maintain and stay close to ones faith in the muslim culture. I don’t have too much knowledge of this topic so I will let the video do most of the talking. I have included this in the ABC’s because fashion is not for only one culture. It is for everyone and I love when peoples own lives and values are mixed in and shown through what they wear. I have learned about hijabs through my cross culture class and have a better understanding for them now. I just wanted to include this and help bring it more into the public eye so other can learn about it too. Again, fashion is not for one kind of person which is why I included this because I try to include as many different kinds of people as possible.
I is for Intimates
Before you say it, I know…. Intimates is the old lady word for lingerie. BUT! I couldn’t wait to talk about this trend because it is rather intriguing. Wearing lingerie as a part of our every day wardrobe has been on trend for some time now. Some even go as far as actually wearing silk pajama sets as an entire outfit. I don’t think I could do that, but layering the delicate stuff over something as simple and functional as a white t-shirt really makes it day time appropriate. Don’t wear it to work of course (unless your name is Kourtney Kardashian) but with the use of layering and staying in the same color family, you can easily create a unique look.
J is for Jumpsuit
Again, another weird word. Jumpsuits aren’t as corny as they sound. They can actually be very polished and perfect for many different occasions. Keep accessories simple to make sure it doesn’t become gaudy and dated. (BTW, yes, overalls are included in this! )