On with our ABC’s!
D if for Dress
I wasn’t really a dress girl up until a year ago. I always thought they added too much girly-ness to an outfit and that they were to complicated to wear. I. was. wrong. Dress are one of the easiest and most comfortable things to wear. If you don’t want to try to to put together an outfit with pants, a top and a sweater, just throw on a dress. One dress can make your whole look go from “I was running late” to “I look good”! Here are a few different dress styles to try out. experiment with different patters, colors, textures and unusual pairings to make it fit your own style and mood. My personal favorite is the wrap dress because it flatters your natural curves and hides the places you don’t want people seeing. It isn’t form fitting but you don’t lose your shape because of the waist cinching tie.
E is for Eye wear
I am super excited about this one! I have had glasses all my life (well since third grade) and I’ve had some really cool pairs. Only with my most recent pair I’ve really started to think of my glasses as an accessory as opposed to something I HAVE to wear when I run out of contacts. Sunglasses are included in this section but I feel like we are all pretty familiar with them and they don’t need much explaining. Eye glasses, however, are becoming more popular among those who don’t rely on them for actual sight. There are fake glasses being sold everywhere because people are starting to realize how much they can add to an outfit! The top picture are very close to the ones I currently own.
F is for Fitness apparel
I’ll be honest, I don’t work out. BUT I do own some very cute workout clothes because let’s face it, it’s comfy! Whether you are a professional lounger who loves sports bras and sneakers or a workout junkie, this should make you wanna go on a workout shopping spree!
G is for Gloves
This one is pretty self explanatory. When it’s a bit chilly and you need to keep warm try on a stylish pair of gloves! there are styles for formal occasions, driving and everyday.