I’m going to highlight an aspect of fashion for each letter of the alphabet. This is going to be challenging considering I have no idea what to put for some (X…I’m looking at you…) but it’ll help expand our knowledge of fashion and help us branch out for our safe little fashion bubbles. This will be a multi-post topic so check back often to see new additions!
A is for Accordion Pleat
The accordion pleat can be worn in so many different ways but my favorite right now is in a knee length skirt. It’s such a classic style as you can see in the image below.
Fashion recycles itself and I am loving the fresh take on this skirt. For a night out, drop the length and wear one in a cool metallic fabric. A bright color adds that much more oomph to it too! Keep all other pieces of the outfit simple to maintain the focus on the skirt.
If edgy isn’t your style, you can keep the classic feel of the style by using one color in different shades. The outfit below stays in shades of blue while adding a pop of color on the lip. This is a more subtle way to make a statement. And if all one color is a bit too much for you, you can break it up by adding a colorful bag like in the image.
B is for Blush
Oh blush how I love you so! It can easily brighten a tired face or pull together a makeup look. Anyone can look good in blush no matter what color it is, you just need to keep your skin tone in mind. Pink and coral are great classic blush colors for every day look or formal events. The funky colors are for those days when you are bored with the same old same old. If you’re going to experiment with a new blush color keep the look simple to prevent it looking clownish. I suggest pairing it with a similar gloss to help keep it cohesive.
C is for Cardigan/Coat
Everyone should own at least one cardigan. It’s a staple in fashion and can be worn in any season depending on what you layer under or over it. Here are a few ways to wear a cardigan without resorting to the same look. (These are all long cardigans but the same tips work for other lengths as well.)
Keep the colors bold to make them more of a statement rather than just another layer. This rich rust color will look really nice in the fall.
Keep the colors neutral for a casual sophisticated outfit.
Keep a simple grey one in your closet for when you want an extra layer at work but don’t want to wear a full blazer.
Just like the cardigans, coats can be layered up and add an extra element to any outfit. If you’re a forever-cold-person like I am, you probably have a few coats that are more functional than fashionable. Those work for when you’re running to get groceries, but when you would rather me more fashionable, try these styles to feel a bit more fabulous while still feeling cozy.