Content Creation

  • Content Creation

    Be a social media leader, not a follower.

    It is easy to say that staying up to date on trends is important and actually pretty easy. Everyone has a phone on them and if you have any social media accounts and check them regularly, then you know what type of content is popular. From a business perspective, having someone know what’s going on online is so important and is such a great resource. However, if you really want to stand out, know what is going to be trending before it starts taking off. Ahead of the curve Now this doesn’t mean you have to be able to time travel into the future, but what I mean is if…

  • Content Creation

    Jump on the content creator bandwagon and don’t let go

    Hanging out with the popular crowd isn’t always a good thing… …but in the social media world it most definitely is. In order to stay up on the latest trends you have to find what is getting the most engagement and attraction, find out how you can also do it, and don’t look back. You have to be bold and embrace new things. You know what they say about how the most growth happens outside of your comfort zone? Well, that the same for social media and influencer marketing. So, let’s take a look at what’s trending so you can learn how to implement it in your own brand’s content-both…