Be a social media leader, not a follower.

It is easy to say that staying up to date on trends is important and actually pretty easy. Everyone has a phone on them and if you have any social media accounts and check them regularly, then you know what type of content is popular. From a business perspective, having someone know what’s going on online is so important and is such a great resource. However, if you really want to stand out, know what is going to be trending before it starts taking off.

Ahead of the curve

Now this doesn’t mean you have to be able to time travel into the future, but what I mean is if you know what kind of content is popular then you can create your own in hopes to get noticed. For example, dance challenges have become so popular recently and it looks like brands are starting to catch on. I saw this morning that Target started the #TargetPJDance to encourage people to do the dance to enter a pajama giveaway.

So, what can your brand do?

If you are thinking that making a dance challenge for your brand is a good idea, I would say maybe it is, but try to find something different. Maybe a certain prank video is going viral or a challenge where you spread Christmas cheer. Find something that will be appropriate for your audience while also being unique so you stand out and are ahead of the trends. Who knows, maybe your content idea will become the next trending post on Instagram that everyone else follows!

Share your ideas!

If you have an idea for your brand and want to share it with me, post a comment below!


  • Reynaldo Mayans

    Hi Anna, I enjoy your blog and agree with you about leader and not a follower. I have had a Facebook page for a long time however, one of the reason I hated going on is because of that word “Follower”. I had to learn how to be a follower in oder to learn be leader. Now I have to learn how to be a follower on different social media pages. Once again in your blog you sound like someone who has being in the business for sometime. Great job and on the point thank you for sharing. Have an awesome weekend.

  • Sam Meier

    I like how you bring up dance challenges on TikTok for your brand! I was just thinking the other day that inserting TikTok dances into YouTube videos would be a great idea! Sometimes I watch YouTube vloggers who are trying to promote their brand, but the video just isn’t that engaging. By having a TikTok dance midway through the vlog, it could re-gain people’s attention!

  • Brianna Olstad

    Hi Anna!

    Tik Tok has become an enormous platform for brands to hop on trends, especially while promoting products. It definitely is a challenge to stay ahead of the “trending game;” however, I think the information you left is a great way for companies to do so! Younger generations are always looking for the next, newest, best thing out there, so brands must get ahead of the curve.
    A general idea I had for brands is to provide interactive content on their media platforms. I know that sounds pretty broad, but I think any content that offers engagement opportunities is a vital first step for brands to get ahead of the game. For example, I have seen many Tik Tok videos of people listing off gift ideas for grandparents, best friends, parents, or anyone you are shopping for. I think it would be awesome for brands to utilize this trend, which allows companies to promote their products as well!
    Thanks for sharing!

  • Nadia Foltz

    HI Anna!

    I think this is very true! Many people will follow trends, but your right you have to do something different that will stick out. I think many people need to realize this more

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