The Problem With Palm Oil
Palm oil. Ever heard of it? It’s found in about half of packaged products sold in US grocery stores, lurking in your favorite snack foods and many other household items such as laundry detergent, toothpaste, makeup, and shampoo. Palm oil has become the most widely used vegetable oil on Earth because of how well it grows in tropical communities and the minimal care it requires unlike other vegetable oils. However, this rapidly growing demand for palm oil comes at a high price. The production of palm oil is one of the leading causes for the destruction of rainforests. A majority of world palm oil supply comes from Malaysia and Indonesia…
How Big is Your Ecological Footprint?
As more and more studies emerge about the degradation of the environment, everybody wants to point fingers. However, it is important to recognize that we are ALL responsible in some way or another. Sure, there are a lot of things that are beyond our control as individuals. However, our daily choices, such as choosing to eat meat everyday, have a large impact as well. It may be hard to imagine this impact because so many factors come into play. Fortunately, however, there is a tool out there that shows you how many planets we would need if everyone lived the same lifestyle as you. Personally, it really helped me to see…