Cold Weather Tips

It’s that time of year again where the warm weather days are far and few between and the wonderfully chilly Wisconsin autumn weather begins to creep in.  If there is one thing we Wisconsinites know, it is that winter’s knock is fast approaching. That got me thinking: what are some ways I can continue to be sustainable as the colder weather moves in?

During the warm summer months, it is easy for us to go for a swim, ride a bike through the breeze, or grab a Popsicle to cool down instead of running the air conditioning or fans all day. However, during the winter months, we often forget that we can still be “green” even when the landscape outside is not. Here are just a few simple tips that can help us reduce energy costs.

  • Check for any gaps in your windows and doors and get them filled or covered. Heat from you building or apartment can escape through these cracks, and cold air can blow in.
  • Cover your windows with blinds or thick curtains. Doing this can reduce the amount of heat that escapes or the amount of cool air that blows in.
  • Wear layers to trap heat close to your body.
  • Try warming up by exercising, drinking a cup of warm soup, or wrapping yourself in a blanket. Wool is an especially good insulator.
  • A major source of heat loss on your body is through your feet. Wearing slippers or thick socks can keep you from feeling the bite of the cold weather.
  • The most fun way to stay warm is to invite friends over to play board games, eat dinner, or do homework.  The body heat being given off by other people in close proximity will keep the whole group warm.

As always, no matter what time of year it is, properly recycling disposables, reusing and repurposing products, and reducing the amount of waste produced are great ways to decrease our impact. With these tips, we can be sustainable year-round and show that living better is always in season.

-Ethan Wilke

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