The Black Dahlia

Background Info,28804,1867198_1867170_1867291,00.html (Photo creds Time Magazine online)

Some people say this could be Hollywood’s most famous murder cases. Basically what had happened was Elizabeth Short was found dead in Los Angeles on January 15 1947 with her body cut in half. The Press and the media worked together tirelessly to locate and solve any clues left behind. The weird part about this case is that several people claimed to have done the crime but they were all let go since nothing proved they did it. To this day Her murder is still a cold case with no leads or suspects whatsoever.

My Thoughts

Out of all the cases I have researched for my blog this is the first one I had never heard of before. When researching this It was sort of hard to find information on. Honestly its another one of those cases that will never be solved and it seems to me like it gets no attention whatsoever anymore unlike the People in the topics of my old blogs. For example people to this day still talk about DB Cooper, Jack The ripper, and so on. although highly unlikely since those are more popular they are more likely to have new information found out about them. Id love to hear other opinions on this one since its alot shorter of a case!



3 thoughts on “The Black Dahlia”

  1. This is super creepy but soooo interesting! I’m obsessed with unsolved crimes they are so intense and just leave you hanging with no sign of ever being solved, especially ones that happened this long ago.

  2. Woah, I love your blog theme! There is always something so fascinating about mysteries and cold cases! Thank you for sharing your findings with us! This last cold case was interesting that people claimed to have done the crime and yet, all were let go because of no evidence. I wonder what really happened. I wish there was more details!

  3. Awesome post! I’ve heard of the Black Dahlia before and Ghost Adventures even did an episode on this. It’s one case that I don’t think will ever be solved!

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