The relationship between research and teaching in education is collaboration. Pete (2008) states, “research informs practice and policy in the teaching and learning” (para 4). As we discussed in class, researchers can interview teachers. Teachers can read research and can implement the information into their classes. Teachers can also study their own classrooms and use their findings to improve learning. Pete (2008) wrote, “Research should and does influence teaching (and vice versa)” (para. 1).
I can use information literacy by finding research and examining what is important to help in the classroom. In my future career as an educator I will use research to help improve my teaching and find the best ways for learning. I will use information literacy to best distinguish the way to improve my classroom.
I will be certified in teaching art K-12. I plan on teaching at the high school level. I think homework can be beneficial, but should be limited. I don’t think assigning daily homework is necessary for art because most classes will be workdays for projects with demonstrations throughout the corresponding units. I rarely ever received homework in my high school art classes and most likely will follow a similar plan.
Homework can be beneficial. Xu (2005) found in a survey that roughly “three quarters of the students agreed or strongly agreed that doing homework helped them” (p. 50). Xu (2005) also found that homework was beneficial as a strengthening tool for what they learned in class, “study skills” and “responsibility” (p. 50). Shumow, Schmidt, & Kackar (2008) found that “motivational aspects of homework experiences such as interest control, and enjoyment were positively related to self esteem” (p. 20). However, Shumow et al. (2008) found that while students see homework as bad they still learn the material (p. 23).
While homework can be beneficial there are consequences from it as well. According to Galloway, Conner, & Pope (2013) when students completed their homework they “experienced greater behavioral engagement in school but also more academic stress, physical health problems, and lack of balance in their lives” (p. 490). Ohanian (2007) states that teachers might be assigning too much “when the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) finds it necessary to issue guidelines on recommended weights of book bags” (p. 41). Galloway et al. (2013) found that “many students in these upper middle class schools describe schoolwork as dominating their day” (p. 491). Galloway, K., & Pope (2007) found that students with more than a few hours of homework each day led them to “drop out of an activity because of the stress” (p. 28). Galloway et al. (2007) stated “when students spend 6 or 7 hours in school and another 3 or more hours on homework, they face a longer workday than most adults” (p. 29). Galloway et. al. (2007) conclude that there needs to be “a more balance workload” (p. 30).
As a future art teacher I want to make sure my students are learning the concepts, content, and skills in the curriculum. I do value the importance of having a well-rounded life. From the research I know homework can be beneficial to supporting the material learned in class, but too much homework can be unfortunate for student health. I plan to keep in mind the best interests of my students when it comes to learning and making sure that when I do assign homework it is beneficial, a small amount and relevant.
Galloway, M., Conner, J., & Pope, D. (2013). Nonacademic effects of homework in privileged, high-performing high schools. Journal Of Experimental Education, 81(4), 490-510. doi:10.1080/00220973.2012.745469
Galloway, M. K., & Pope, D. (2007). Hazardous homework?. Encounter, 20(4), 25 31.
Ohanian, S. (2007). The homework revolution. Encounter, 20(4), 40-43.
Pete. (2008). “Understanding the relationship between research and teaching.” Retrieved from
Shumow, L., Schmidt, J. A., & Kackar, H. (2008). Adolescents’ experience doing homework: associations among context, quality of experience, and outcomes. School Community Journal, 18(2), 9-27.
Xu, J. (2005). Purposes for doing homework reported by middle and high school students. Journal Of Educational Research, 99(1), 46-55. doi:10.3200/JOER.99.1.46-55.
I really like how you applied this to your major. It makes sense that there might not be as much homework in art since most days the students are able to work in class. I agree that homework should be limited and relevant. The use of the word “relevant” was perfect because too often teachers assign homework that has little connection to what the class is discussing and is mostly used as busy work. I really enjoyed this blog post especially because you connected it to your future profession.
Hi Rebecca,
Personally, I’m an English Education major. I think that it’s an interesting and somewhat eye opening concept to look at other subjects and how they deal with the “problem” or necessity of homework over the course of several disciplines. I hadn’t considered how homework would be handled outside of an English class, other than my own personal experiences in middle and high school- but to look at it from an educator’s standpoint, I can see how it would be more beneficial to some than others. I also think that by looking at other methods used by teachers in other subjects, it would be more beneficial for students, as children don’t learn the same way; so by employing different methods, we can effectively engage students of a wider variety.