There is a lot of value placed on connection in University Housing. The value of connecting with others is obviously important, especially connecting with residents. You as the RA are genuinely the main communicator for your residents. We want to make sure that they are able to succeed, and that everything is going well in their academic life, and in there personal life.

The next piece is the importance of not only connecting with your floor, but your staff. I find that many people find there best friends in their staff. They are good people to rely on in case of issues, and they are good people to help lend a ear if you need it or they need it. That is why I am saying that it is important to make time to hang out with your staff, and go to dinner or do something that is fun. I really appreciate all the times my staff gets together just to hang out.

It is not only important to connect with your staff but connect to your supervisors. They are awesome people to talk to and lean on in rough times. I can not tell any of my supervisors (Past or Present) how much they have helped me, pushed me, to become the person I am today. I always find that there is something more to learn and they are there ready to teach it. PLEASE make time to get to know them.

In addition to knowing your own complex, get to know others. I love getting to know new RA’s different staffs and professional staff. No matter how much I love my staff, it feels pretty good just being able to hang out and talk with other RA’s. They are some good friends too and I might not get to see them as often as people in my complex, or even on my side of campus. I sure do appreciate the time we set aside to hang out.

Finally, make time to get to know the central staff members. They are the advisors to your advisors, and I for one look up to them. They are great people and want to help and reach out to you too, so it’s nice to make that effort and get to know them as well.