Mack Woerishofer is a third floor RA in Starin. This is his fifth semester as an RA. He is a senior with a psychology major.


Favorite Sport: Baseball/Softball

Favorite Sports team: Milwaukee Brewers

Favorite Band: A Day To Remember

Favorite Dining Hall: Drumlin


Dream job: Sport Psychologist

What I see myself doing in five years: Counseling and Coaching at a high school

Favorite Quote: It’s who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me

Why did you become an RA?: To emulate what my freshman RA did

What is your favorite thing about being an RA?: Making new relationships every year

Piece of advice for other RA’s: Learn to manage your time properly

Best story so far: Meeting my best friend my first semester as an RA

Thank you, Mack, for being a Radical RA.