post secret

Here is a great example of a COULD be interactive bulletin board.  A couple years back Jay Bazylewicz gave each of her residents a post card or piece of card stock to write their secrets on. They were then able to either slip it under Jay’s door or hang it up.  From what I remember it was a wildly successful bulletin board. Not only was she able to get a lot of secrets from her floor, but they were very deep and meaningful.  It was definitely a sight to see.  I suggest, if you are going to make this board an interactive one make sure to communicate ground rules with your floor so that people and their “secrets” are respected.  This is also a phenomenal way to get your residents to express themselves in an anonymous manner.  Here is the post secret website go on and check it out. If you do choose to do something like this share your results with us by sending us a picture of your board and a blurb about how it went for you and your floor. Best of luck and hopefully you get some great secrets!