If you’re like me, you try to envision a piece of furniture in the space you’re designing before you purchase it. I think it’s safe to say that most of us do this. Well, sometimes that doesn’t go as planned. Sometimes the piece is too big or too small. Sometimes it just doesn’t look like how we planned it at all, and instead looks like we blindly picked the piece and put it anywhere. Well, Ikea has a new app for that problem. I haven’t personally tried the app yet because I have not had to purchase any new furniture recently, but I would be more than open to trying it when that time comes around again.

The premise of the app is that it tells you whether a piece of furniture would look good in a room by showing it to you. You have to take a picture of the room you want to decorate, then you can pick from their store selection and see what looks good. It will help you determine whether it will fit or not, match or not, or really add to the room.

There have been some mixed reviews, and you do have to pay for the app eventually to do some of the bigger features.